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Transform Your Community

Use our complimentary Community Reporting Tool to access customizable data extracts and maps tailored to your community or a specific neighborhood of interest. HAI Group members enjoy exclusive access to this tool.

  • Amplify your research – View and analyze census housing and demographic reports, areas of racial or ethnic clustering, concentrated poverty, and more
  • Transform your community – Quickly and easily identify areas of opportunity, gain new insights into housing markets, and create customized maps to visualize patterns so you can improve outcomes in your community
  • Reinforce your strategic plans – Create custom data extracts for annual plan reporting, advocacy, grant proposals, or median rent comparisons

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Register for Tool

Register for this exclusive, complimentary tool – it’s quick and easy!
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Attend a Live Webinar

Join us for a 30-minute webinar to see a live demonstration of the tool and have your questions answered.